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Love your nails.....

Most of us want long, strong and cutely shaped nails. So we opt in for fixing artificial nails. What we don’t know is, these artificial nails have side effects. Some of the side effects of artificial (acrylic nails)       Chemical compounds (resins or formaldehyde) used in making acrylic nails are harmful to your natural nails underneath and can cause inflammation and burning. It can even separate your natural nail from the skin.     Acrylic nails prevents your natural cuticles from air. This keeps the cuticle moist and bacteria starts to grow. This too can cause inflammation or whit low.    Acrylic nails air really rigid and can cause injuries from the slightest blow. This can cause the natural nail to be affected and pull off. This is really painful and takes the nail a longer time to regrow. So, now knowing how bad artificial nails for you, why don’t you opt in for growing your natural nails instead? When opting for natural nails, there are some habits you should stop a
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Rice water for hair growth

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Inversion method for hair growth

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Hair, Hair, Hair!

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Garlic for Acne

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Acne: Pimples and Zits

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Hola! Welcome and thank you for opening this blog! I know the feeling when you wake up in the morning to realize that a few more pimples have grown, or rashes are about to come up, or dark circles, eye bags , wrinkles or any facial skin problem! The feeling when you look at your natural nails and you feel that they are just not long or white enough! When you feel fraustrated that your hair isn't growing or has bad ends or worse, falling off! The feeling when you look at your hair and wish it was naturally curly! I know the feeling when you start to search the internet to find ways to make your derma dreams come true. You use everything possible but they don't work or they aren't fast enough! I know that feeling when you don't like what you see in the mirror. Trust me, I have gone through all these and even worse! I'm here to solve your derma problems and make your dreams come true! All remedies listed here are 100% natural and are recommended based on experien